How to keep your heart healthy: 7 simple steps to longevity

The most vital and resilient organ in the body is the heart. It circulates blood that has been oxygenated. However, there are a lot of hazards associated with this organ nowadays. Longevity and general well-being depend on a healthy heart. Cardiovascular illness, one of the main causes of mortality globally, is a subset of heart and blood vessel disorders. To differing degrees, low- and middle-income nations are impacted by this issue. Your heart must be in good working order if you wish to live a long and healthy life.

Recognizing the symptoms of heart disease for a healthy heart

You or your loved ones should be alert if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Swelling in the legs;
  • Headaches;
  • Dizziness or fainting spells;
  • Sudden marked weakness;
  • Shortness of breath when walking or even at rest;
  • High blood pressure, even if you feel normal;
  • Heart palpitations, a feeling of “freezing”, too frequent or infrequent heartbeat;
  • Chest pain, especially during exercise or emotional stress.
Chest pain

Among the world’s biggest causes of mortality are cardiovascular illnesses. Regretfully, their numbers are still rising. They advise taking easy measures to maintain heart health:

  1. Quit smoking: One of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease is smoking. If you smoke, talk to your doctor about how to quit.
  2. Stay active: Lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease requires frequent exercise. A half-hour of moderate exercise every day may help your heart and blood vessels.
  3. Eat well: A balanced diet is essential for heart health. Increase your intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as seafood and healthy fats. Limit your intake of sugar, salt, and saturated fats.
  4. Manage your blood pressure: Take regular readings and keep an eye on your blood pressure. The ideal range for blood pressure is 120/80. Cardiovascular problems are more likely to occur in those with high blood pressure.
  5. Keep an eye on blood sugar and cholesterol levels: Both of these are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Regularly check these levels and, if required, speak with your physician.
  6. Manage your stress: Prolonged strain might be harmful to your heart. Look for effective stress-reduction methods, such as yoga, meditation, or relaxing hobbies.
  7. Maintain a healthy weight: Obesity and overweight increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Remember that both the patient and the physician must work together to prevent cardiovascular disease. See your physician on a frequent basis, heed their advice, and adhere to the recommended course of therapy.

Heart-healthy foods

Primarily foods rich in potassium and magnesium, omega acids and antioxidants:

– Fish. At least twice a week you should include in your diet fatty fish – salmon, mackerel, sardine, rich in polyunsaturated fatty omega acids.

– Vegetable oils. They contain vitamin E and antioxidants. Pork lard fats are useful because they strengthen the heart, not contributing to the development of atherosclerosis (pork fatty meat, on the contrary, is harmful to the heart).

– Carrots. A rich source of vitamins (A, E, K), folic acid and potassium.

Nuts (walnuts ,hazelnuts , almonds, pinenuts , pistachios). Help lower cholesterol (unless, of course, you eat them by the handful), contain monounsaturated fats and vitamin E. Reduce the risk of heart attack by 30-50%.

Apples. It is difficult to overestimate their importance at all. They contain vitamins and antioxidants.

– Bananas. As a source of potassium and a significant amount of magnesium, help reduce blood pressure and normalize the nervous system, normalize the content of hemoglobin in the blood and blood circulation. Also useful in the content of potassium, carotenes and vitamin A for the heart lemon, persimmon, pumpkin, which can strengthen and normalize the heart muscle.

Pomegranate is one of the most valuable fruits for strengthening and supporting the state of the heart and blood vessels. Its consumption prevents the development of atherosclerosis, preserves the level of blood flow and oxygenation of the heart.

– Flaxseed. A rich source of alpha-linolic acid. Contributes to lowering cholesterol levels.

– Garlic. Also lowers cholesterol, as well as thinning the blood, reducing its viscosity.

– Legumes. Rich in protein, which is so necessary for the normal function of the heart muscle.

– Dried fruits. And especially apricots. It has a lot of potassium and antioxidants.

– Tomatoes. Help normalize heart rhythm.

Exercises for healthy heart

  • Cardio exercises

These are types of exercise aimed at increased heart rate and breathing rate. During such exercise, the biochemical process of aerobic glycolysis is triggered: when glucose is actively broken down as a result of oxygen oxidation. Cardio exercises are directly related to the health of the human cardiovascular system.

  • Nordic walking

The ancestors of this sport are Finnish skiers who practiced with poles in the summer. In the late 90s of the XX century Nordic Walking became popular all over the world. Numerous studies confirm that SC has a beneficial effect on the heart: it is especially good for high blood pressure. Fans of this sport have already reduced systolic pressure from 4 to 9 mm of mercury column in a few months.

  • Qigong

Qigong is an ancient art based on the idea that there is a special qi energy that permeates the entire world. Although the scientific world has not yet recognized the existence of this energy, Qigong is successfully practiced all over the world. The exercises, once kept by Taoist monks in the strictest secrecy, today help many people to find physical health and spiritual balance.


Signs that indicate possible heart or vascular problems warrant a checkup with your doctor. Regular visits will allow your doctor to monitor your condition and respond to possible changes in a timely manner, as well as make recommendations regarding your cardiovascular health. Don’t put off seeing your doctor, especially if you experience new or worsening symptoms.

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